QUESTION: Post COVID, our C-suite is questioning whether our company should continue its trade show program. How can I convince them of its relevance and save five people’s jobs in the process?
ANSWER: Without a doubt, COVID dealt a blow to the trade show and events industry. Many trade show programs bounced back, but the upheaval caused some C-suite executives to question the need to compete in the face-to-face industry among so many digital options.
Approach your conversations with your administration much the same way that you approach your trade show program. Wage a face-to-face marketing campaign for their support by developing some key messages that address their primary concerns. This will vary from company to company and depend on the personalities you are selling your program to. In my experience, however, many of the C-suite’s pain points revolve around concepts we’re used to dealing with: return on investment (ROI), brand awareness, thought leadership, etc. So here are some broad talking points that can swerve as a starting point for you to begin crafting your perfect pitch.