
Green and eco-friendly have been buzz words in many industries, including ours, for years.  They’re words that get thrown around design meetings, marketing analyses and on the trade show floor itself quite often.  You don’t need to be reminded about its existence; you need a reminder of why it’s important and where to get inspiration.

Vendors and exhibitors alike have expanded their green products and have controlled their costs.  Shows like Greenbuild have made environmental responsibility a requirement for exhibitors.  Green is not just a fad or trend, but an ever expanding cornerstone of our industry.  We can agree that this is all good news not just for tax benefits, cost saving or corporate image, but also for the overall health of employees, customers and the world in general.

Influenced by our long-time clients, EDE has been quietly taking action since 1994 when a client first indicated that this was a need for their events.  It has never been a major part of our marketing, but we realized we’ve been holding out on you.  Starting this month, you can find green tips, eco-friendly client and vendor highlights and inspiration by following us on G+, our new hub for helping the promotion of environmentally sound principles within the exhibit business.

Get trade show tips, reports, checklists and more delivered to your inbox once a month by signing up to the Trade Show Marketing blog.

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