An Immersive Easter Egg Experience for Children

EDE News

Early Morning - Pre Event


In April, Matter, Inc., a sports, entertainment, and experiential marketing agency, reached out to EDE to create an exhibit for their client, the American Egg Board, for an annual Easter celebration at our nation’s capital.  The exhibit focused around finding ways to educate children about an egg’s journey from the farm to table.

To accomplish this, as well as create an immersive experience, EDE and MATTER pulled inspiration from the American Egg Board’s production process to create a memorable photo-opp experience for children 3-8 years old.  Children entered the experience through a 12’ wide wooden barn-like arch and then were guided through custom cutouts of each step of the production process.  The cutouts allowed for an educational look at the farm to table process while giving parents the opportunity to capture photos of their children as they placed themselves into each cutout.  The custom built cutouts included; a Farmer collecting eggs, three eggs moving through the sorting process and finally a truck bringing the eggs to market.

The result was an experience that resonated with large lines of families throughout the day.  As a fun takeaway, each child was given a coloring book, chalk and a chalkboard egg to continue their educational journey of the farm to table process at home.


Lines became up to 50 people deep

Lines became up to 50 people deep

Children inserting themselves into the experience

Children inserting themselves into the experience

End of Day

End of Day

View from Outside

View from Outside

More experiences lined up

More experiences lined up

View of the Event

View of the Event

View of the Event

View of the Event

Main Event Space

Main Event Space

Diana Lencioni from Matter Experiencing the Exhibit

Diana Lencioni from Matter Experiencing the Exhibit

Farmer and His Hens

Farmer and His Hens


Egg Washing Station

Egg Washing Station

12' tall barn in production

12′ tall barn in production




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